Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time is the second season of the sixth Digimon anime series Digimon Xros Wars. The story focuses on Taiki Kudō, Yū Amano, and Tagiru Akashi as they hunt Digimon that are causing havoc in between the human and Digital worlds. The opening theme is "Stand Up" by Twill. The series also features original music by Kousuke Yamashita, as well as various insert songs sung by Kōji Wada and Psychic Lover.
No. | Title | Director | Writer | Original airdate |
55 | "Us, the Digimon Hunters!" "Oretachi, Dejimon Hantā!" (おれたち、デジモンハンター!) |
Yukio Kaizawa | Riku Sanjo | October 2, 2011[1] |
It is a year since Taiki Kudō's adventure in the Digital World as he forms the “Xros Heart” basketball team together with Yū Amano, who became his junior at his school, and Tagiru Akashi. However, on his way home from game, Taiki sees a monsterous shadow within a space fluctuation before being confronted by three children. The leader of the trio recognizes Taiki and his potential but tells him not to meddle in their affairs before leaving. The next day after school, Tagiru hears a voice begging to be saved, and after seeing a spacial distortion, Tagiru gets dragged right into it and ends up in a Digital World like dimension called the DigiQuartz, where time flows differently to the real world. Tagiru sees the source of the voice, Gumdramon bring attacked by a MetalTyranomon until the three children arrive and fight it with their Digimon, but it escapes from them. After being told they are Digimon Hunters, Tagiru wants to be one too as he is told to get a X Loader first. Teaming up with Gumdramon, Tagiru heads to the home of the Old Clock Store Owner and receives a crimson X Loader from him. Taiki and Yū find out about the rampaging Digimon and when they see Tagiru warping into the DigiQuartz, they decide to follow him. Tagiru and Gumdramon fight a losing battle with MetalTyranomon until Tagiru learns to Digivolve Gumdramon into Arresterdramon and defeat it. After capturing MetalTyranomon's data into his Xros Loader, Tagiru sees Taiki and Yū, who are branding their own X Loaders, much to his surprise, but before they start to talk about the situation, Shoutmon contacts Taiki through his Loader. Gumdramon shivers and hides behind Tagiru at hearing Shoutmon's name as he explains to Tagiru that it is none other than the Digimon King himself. | ||||
56 | "The Students Disappear! The Wavering Shadow of Sagomon" "Seito-tachi ga Kieta! Yurameku Sagomon no kage" (生徒たちが消えた!ゆらめくサゴモンの影) |
Riku Sanjo | October 9, 2011[1] | |
After returning to the Real World, finding out that Digimon can be Reloaded outside of DigiQuartz, Tagiru learns of Taiki and Yū's past experience with the Digimon a year before. Inspired to be at Taiki's level, Tagiru returns to DigiQuartz to begin a new Hunt. The two encounter a mysterious shadow behind the abductions of students: Sagomon. Sagomon overwhelms Gumdramon before he and Tagiru are saved by one of the three children, Ryōma Mogami. As this occurred, going to the alley were Tagiru got his Xros Loader, Taiki meets the Old Clock Store Owner and his Digimon Clockmon. The Owner proceeds to warn Taiki not to interfere with the Hunts due to expertise having an effect that would upset the balance of the "game". Though not intending to take part, Taiki promises to interfere if any one gets hurt in the cross fire. Nothing that Taiki has a strong will like Tagiru, the Old Clockmaker leaves, but not before giving Taiki the Hunter's Rulebook, which Tagiru forgot to get. With Yū following him to make sure he does not abuse Digimon like before, Tagiru finds Sagomon in the pool area, where the students are being held. Even after having Gumdramon digivolve and DigiXros with MetalTyrannomon to become Metal Arresterdramon, Tagiru still struggles until Taiki shows up with Shoutmon, who pushes back Sagomon with one punch before becoming OmegaShoutmon and DigiXrossing with Dorulumon to aid Arresterdramon. After defeating Sagomon and collecting his data, Tagiru, Taiki, and Yū return to the Real World with the missing students, who have no recollection of their time in "DigiQuartz". Soon after being yelled at by Shoutmon while also being praised him for finding a partner, Gumdramon vows to catch up to his rival before he and Tagiru run back to DigiQuartz and starting a new Hunt. | ||||
57 | "The Robot Club's Dream, Pinocchimon's Enticement" "Robotto Bu no Yume, Pinokimon no Yūwaku" (ロボット部の夢、ピノッキモンの誘惑) |
Shouji Yonemura | October 16, 2011 | |
The members of the school's robotics club are frustrated because they keep failing to build a robot good enough to take part in the upcoming competition when they approached by Xros Heart's old friend, Puppetmon, who offers them a chance to take part in a greater project. The next day, while told to deliver a notice to the absent Tokio, Tagiru learns from Taiki that all other members of the robotics club are also absent from school, and fearing it to be Digimon related, he and Yū accompany him to Tokio's house, just to find him working on some machinery. Figuring that Tokio is deceiving his mother in thinking he is going to school to stay home, Xros Heart witnesses Tokio entering into the DigiQuartz through his computer. By following him there, they learn that Tokio and the other missing children have been building a GigaBreakdramon under Puppetmon's orders. Taiki and Shoutmon confront Puppetmon who seems to not remember them at all and launches GigaBreakdramon against them. Tagiru and the Digimon Hunters battle GigaBreakdramon without success. When Ryōma commands Astamon to attack Puppetmon instead, Taiki and Shoutmon risk getting hurt to protect Puppetmon enables him to come to his senses. By DigiXrossing Shoutmon with Puppetmon, Taiki manages to give Arresterdramon an opening to defeat GigaBreakdramon who is captured by Tagiru. | ||||
58 | "The Targeted Honor Students! Blossomon's Smile" "Yūtōsei ga Nerawareta! Burossamon no Bishō" (優等生が狙われた!ブロッサモンの微笑) |
Isao Murayama | October 23, 2011 | |
Tagiru's classmate Miho Sudo has been 1st place Honor Student since Elementary, stresses out on improving her grades when she is at 8th place. Miho's desire for the top 7 students to disappear attracts the attention of a Digimon who offers to make it a reality for her. Later, feeling jealous of Tagiru and Gumdramon, Yū meets Miho. Soon after, news of the two top students in their grade, Mishima and Takahashi, being attacked and looking malnourished drives everyone in school in an uproar. Only Miho had no reaction to the event as Yū follows her while Tagiru enters the Digi Quartz and finds the school covered by a vine looking plant whose tendrils are wrapped around Mishima and Takahashi while draining them. Losing the vines' source, a flustered Tagiru and Gumdramon are encountered by Ren as he tells them that can not defeat vine Digimon unless they find its true form. Deciding to help for his own benefit, Ren has Dracmon bite into the vine to expose the Digimon. This not only causes the vine to go on rampage out of pain, but if affects Miho on a sympathetic level as she enters the Digi Quartz and BioMerges into the vine Digimon: revealed to be Blossomon. Yū's good heart frees Miho form Blossomon's control, who was captured by Tagiru. In the end, Yū win a basketball match, while Tagiru has his nose broken. | ||||
59 | "Cuteness Causion! Cute Hunter, Airu's Trap!" "Kawaii Yōchūi! Kyūto Hantā, Airu no Wana!" (かわいさ要注意!キュートハンター、アイルの罠!) |
Riku Sanjo | October 30, 2011 | |
At a cute store called the Fancy Shop Dream, Airu Suzuki, along with her Digimon Opossumon, capture a bunch of other Digimon. Finding that all of them are "no good", Airu leaves the Digimon to her teammates. Still feeling down about not being able to reunite with Damemon, Cutemon appears in front of Yū to cheer him up but ends up being targeted by Airu, who wants to add him to her cute Digimon collection. While Yū returns home, with Tagiru and Gumdramon tagging along, Cutemon spots a bunch of pictures of Nene, who has since become an idol in Hong Kong. After falling asleep from their meal, Cutemon, Tagiru, and Gumdramon awake to find Yū gone. Finding Yū at the park where he and Damemon first met, Tagiru, Gumdramon, and Cutemon make just in time as Airu transports Yū to the DigiQuartz. Trying to force Yū to hand over Cutemon, Airu nearly succeeds, until her DigiXros of Opossumon and Candlemon allows them to escape. The next day, after explaining what's happened to Taiki, Yū realizes that Cutemon has snuck out of his Xros Loader when he tries to return him to Taiki. They all run back to the park, where Airu has captured Cutemon and plans on forcing him into her Xros Loader. She is soon joined by her teammates, who formally introduces themselves as Ryōma Mogami and Ren Tobari, before Ryōma digivolves Psychemon to Astamon to keep them from saving Cutemon. Both Taiki and Tagiru then Reload their Digimon and digivolve them to OmegaShoutmon and Arresterdramon respectively. While Taiki decides to face Ryōma and Ren alone, Tagiru and Arresterdramon go help Yū save Cutemon. By then, Airu digivolves Opossumon to Cho-Hakkaimon to force Cutemon into her Xros Loader. Airu is about to defeat Cutemon when Yū saves him and Damemon appears. Now with the power of digivolution, Damemon digivolves to Tsuwamon and easily overpowers Cho-Hakkaimon, trapping her and Airu in their own trap. After releasing Airu and Opossumon, Taiki, Tagiru, and Yū meet back at the rooftop with their Digimon, happy the Damemon has finally returned and Yū is finally reunited with his partner. | ||||
60 | "Digimon Kendo Match! Approaching the Blade of Kotemon!" "Dejimon Kendō Shōbu! Kotemon no Yaiba ga Semaru!" (デジモン剣道勝負!コテモンの刃が迫る!) |
Shoji Yonemura | November 6, 2011 | |
The Xros Heart boys join the school's kendo club for the regional tournament and after winning a match, they find that they are being observed by Musashi Kenzaki, a student from a rival school. Later, Musashi ends up in the DigiQuartz and meets Kotemon who takes him as his pupil. Some time later, a mysterious figure starts challenging members from adult kendo clubs throughout the city and beats them to the point of shredding up their clothes. Tagiru and the others figure out that this incident could be Digimon related and investigate by themselves until they find that the mysterious attacker is actually Musashi. Tagiru challenges Musashi for a match and he sees a second blade appearing on his other hand for an instant to block his attack. Musashi flees and Kotemon appears, offering himself to train Tagiru asking him to help bring Musashi to stop following the dark path he is taking. In the tournament, Tagiru challenges Musashi, again, but during their match they get sucked into the Digi Quartz. Ren appears and Tagiru learns that the reason for Musashi's sudden change is because Dracmon is using him to create dark energy, which it uses to Digivolve into Yasyamon. Arresterdramon finds difficulty in fighting Yasyamon, but by Kotemon's request, Tagiru has Gumdramon DigiXros with him and together they defeat Yasyamon, forcing Ren to flee. Back in the human world, Musashi and Tagiru resume their battle, and Musashi wins fair and square, but Tagiru is not sad as both have given their best. | ||||
61 | "The Okonomiyaki Panic! The Town Full of Pagumon" "Okonomiyaki Panikku! Pagumon Darake no Machi" (お好み焼きパニック!パグモンだらけの街) |
Reiko Yoshida | November 13, 2011 | |
Tagiru, Yū and Taiki go to okonomiyaki store after school. But the moment the three of them open the door, they go into the world where Digimon live in DigiQuartz, and encounter a Digimon name Pagumon, who loves Okinomiyaki. Tagiru wants to hunt Pagumon. The next day, Tagiru and the others heard about whoever ate the potato chips have either disappeared or flowing in the air. Then Pagumon says "It must be Jagamon's doing!" Tagiru wants to hunt Jagamon so he goes towards the closest convenient store. He stunks looking at the boys and girls who are holding the Potato Chips and flowing in the air, Tagiru goes into DigiQuartz, and plans to hunt Jagamon. However as Tagiru reloads Gumdramon, Pagumon starts to battle themselves. Jagamon notices Pagumon, he sends Gumdramon flying and runs away. They thought that they could find Jagamon, but due to Pagumon's "bad advices", they continue to lose the hunt. Because it's all Pagumon's fault, Gundramon is very angry, and demands Tagiru to reload him from the Xros Loader to capture Pagumon. However Tagiru is defending for Pagumon, and starts to argue with Gumdramon. Gumdramon is mad and goes into Ryoma's X-Loader! Tagiru and Gumdramon are separated from each other. Tagiru goes back home are starts worrying about Gumdramon. Paguman says he still misses Gumdramon but he doesn't admit it. He makes some okonomiyaki but Pagumon confesses that he has never eaten it before, he has just liked the smell. Pagumon decided to eat the okonomiyaki and starts to become strange. Pagumon starts multiplying and goes to every okonomiyaki store in the city. Taiki, Yū and Tagiru meet up at one of the stores. Tagiru tries to capture them with MetalTyrannomon but fails. At that moment, Ryoma comes along and reloads Gumdramon, saying that he doesn't want Gumdramon. Gumdramon thinks of a plan after Tagiru tells them what happened. He asks the chef to make the biggest okonomiyaki that he can. Gumdramon carries the okonomiyaki to the pool with all of the Pagumon chasing him. He puts the okonomiyaki inside the pool and the Pagumon start going in a circle. They eventually turn into okonomiyaki dough. Gumdramon says what if they were already okonomiyaki. Tagiru captures the Pagumon and the original Pagumon is confused and appears to have lost it's memory. Gumdramon and Tagiru become friends again. | ||||
62 | "Thriving Digimon Hunt! The Shopping District's Remarkable Hunter!" "Degimon Hanto Daihanjō! Shōtengai no Sugoude Hantā!" (デジモンハント大繁盛!商店街の凄腕ハンター!) |
Isao Murayama | November 20, 2011 | |
While Tagiru is hunting Zenimon, he has discovered that a mysterious teen named Hideaki Mashimo suddenly appears with a blue-eyed Dobermon and is blocking his way at the Shopping District. Zenimon is a Digimon who likes money a lot and whenever it sits on an ATM machine, the machine will not function properly. In order to overcome this abnormal situation in the street, Hideaki is hunting the Zenimon to get a reward from the shop owner. His main objective is to earn money rather than hunting down the digimon. His dream is own a takoyaki shop and he is hunting Digimon to save up the money at the same time. Digimon hunting solo is dangerous and he decides to team up with Tagiru, promising that he will share the reward with him. Surprisingly, Tagiru, Hideaki, Dobermon and Gumdramon have encountered a new Digimon named Ganemon. Ganemon is Zenimon's boss and he is trying to capture back the Zenimon, and Ko-Zenimon (a smaller form of Zenimon), who have escaped from his briefcase. According to Ganemon, the Zenimon are all too fast and agile for Hideaki to capture and he gets quite upset over it. He suggests that both Tagiru and Hideaki should team up with him and capture Zenimon, to which they agree to help. Then, in an unexpected turn of events, Ganemon reveals himself to be the Zenimon's leader, after being discovered by Hideaki, and eats money to become bigger and stronger. Arresterdramon and Dobermon DigiXros, combining Dobermon's speed with Arresterdramon's strength to defeat Ganemon. After the battle, Ganemon brings the money back to the markets he got the Zenimon to steal from and becomes part of Hideaki's Digimon Collection. | ||||
63 | "Taiki Is Targeted! The Super Celebrity Star's Brave Shout!" "Nerawareta Taiki! Chō Serebu Sutā no Otakebi!" (狙われたタイキ!超セレブ・スターの雄たけび!) |
Riku Sanjo | November 27, 2011 | |
Akari returns to town to visit Taiki, oblivious to the Digimon Hunts. SuperStarmon decides to capture Taiki and add him to his collection of imprisoned celebrity dolls. He lures Taiki and Akari to a deluxe hotel where he traps them in the DigiQuartz. Tagiru, Yuu and Ryouma join forces to save Taiki and Akari, and capture SuperStarmon. Yuu and Tsuwamon successfully save Taiki and Akari, the latter suggesting Taiki and Yuu Double Xros Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon and Starmon and the Pickmons, who transform into Shoutmon X4. Shoutmon X4 defeats SuperStarmon and he is captured by Yuu. Akari offers her assistance to Taiki when she is available, and Zenjiro bursts into Taiki's room demanding to know where the Clockmaker is. After the fight, Ryouma tells the Clock Owner about what just happened in DigiQuartz. | ||||
64 | "Going to Hong Kong! Protect the Super Beauty Idol!!" "Honkon Jōriku! Chōbishōjo Aidoru o Mamore!!" (香港上陸!超美少女アイドルを守れ!!) |
December 4, 2011 | ||
Tagiru, Taiki and Yuu are taken by a Trailmon to an unknown location in DigiQuartz at the request of "a certain person" who needs to meet them. The trio Timeshifts back to the Human World and find themselves in Hong Kong. Yuu guides the others around the city until they are picked up by a limo owned by the boy's older sister and fellow Xros Heart member Nene, now a well known idol. Revealing herself to be the one who sent the Trailmon to them, Nene explains that she is being stalked by a mysterious masked man with strange powers and suspects that a Digimon is behind this incident. Tagiru is the most enthusiastic to help Nene, but ends up causing more trouble by attacking and injuring a stage actor after mistaking him for the masked stalker and is forced to fill in. Just then Nene is about to shake Tagiru's hand after a job well done, when the masked man appears and attacks him. Nene's suspicions are confirmed when they find a Harpymon beside him, but the enemy proves itself too agile for them and flees. Taiki concludes that only JetMervamon's speed may cope with Harpymon's and after the masked man appears again, he and the others join forces to stall him until Nene takes a break from her concert to join the fight. However, JetMervamon is defeated by Harpymon and an enraged Tagiru asks Nene to let him borrow Sparrowmon. By DigiXrossing Arresterdramon with Sparrowmon, Tagiru defeats and captures Harpymon. The masked man is then revealed to be Nene's father, who fell under Harpymon's influence due to his anxiety of his daughter's decision to become an idol overseas. With the incident resolved, Tagiru and the others return to the Human World to watch the rest of Nene's concert. | ||||
65 | "Tagiru Turns Soft?! Gumdramon's Big Crisis!!" "Tagiru ga Funyafunya!? Gamudoramon Dai Pinchi!!" (タギルがふにゃふにゃ!? ガムドラモン大ピンチ!!) |
December 11, 2011 | ||
Usually active and passionate students and teachers in Tagiru's school have become lifeless and short of energy. Tagiru suspects that a Digimon is behind this and investigates the DigiQuartz with Gumdramon. Upon investigation, he finds that FlameWizardmon is the one responsible. FlameWizardmon has been absorbing life energy from people to power himself up. Tagiru's passionate energy ends up being absorbed by FlameWizardmon and he himself becomes lifeless. Taiki and Yuu find out and investigate the DigiQuartz themselves. Gumdramon stays behind to support Tagiru and eventually carries him to where Taiki and Yuu are battling FlameWizardmon. Tagiru finally gains enough passionate energy back and gives his fiery passion of spirit to Gumdramon, digivolving him into Arresterdramon. FlameWizardmon is finally defeated and the students and teachers get their energy back. | ||||
66 | "Delicious or Nasty? The Digimon Ramen Contest!" "Oishii? Mazui? Dejimon Rāmen Shōbu!" (おいしい?まずい?デジモン・ラーメン勝負!) |
December 18, 2011 | ||
Masaru Katsuji, a boy in Tagiru's class, seems to be down lately since his family's Ramen restaurant has been getting less customers since the opening of a nearby popular Ramen restaurant opposite them. Tagiru says he will help "Katsuji" to reclaim it's popularity, and he and Yuu challenge each other to come up with a solution. Later that night, while trying to find a way to improve his ramen, Mr Katsuji gets sucked absorbed into DigiQuartz by the Digimon duo of Ogremon and Fugamon. Though they own a Ramen Restaurant of their own in DigiQuartz with their special hand-pounded noodles, the two oni Digimon offer to give some to Katsuji in return for his delicious soup so both restaurants can flourish. Feeling something is off when the sudden number of customers at Katsuji, Xros Heart learns of Katsuji's deal with Ogremon and Fugamon. After learning that Katsuji willing agreed to help them, despite the three of the them working 24/7 taking its toll on the man, the gang decide not to meddle as the the oni Digimon are doing no wrong. However, refusing to let his father change from a kind ramen maker to a one yelling angrily at their customers, Masaru challenges his father to a Ramen Contest in which if the boy wins, Katsuji must cut off all ties with Ogremon and Fugamon. With Xros Heart's help, Masaru prepared a soup while their Digimon partners made the noodles. Upon tasting his son's soup, recognizing it as his old recipe, Mr Katsuji realizes that attracting customers isn't as important as making a ramen that warms the hearts of those who eat it, accepting defeat. However, refusing to accept their loss, Ogremon and Fugamon attempt to detain Mr Katsuji and are defeated in the resulting battling against Shoutmon, Gumdramon and Damemon before being captured by Tagiru. | ||||
67 | "The World Trip for Children only! The Digimon Train of Dreams" "Kodomo dake no Sekai Ryokō! Yume no Dejimon Torein" (子供だけの世界旅行!夢のデジモントレイン) |
December 25, 2011 | ||
68 | "Gather Hunters! Digimon Competition in the Southern Island!" "Hantā Daishūgō! Minami no Shima no Dejimon Sōdatsusen!" (ハンター大集合!南の島のデジモン争奪戦!) |
January 8, 2012 | ||